From the NYS Library Trustee Handbook
1. | Regularly plan and evaluate the library’s service program.
Experience shows that having a long-range plan is one of the most concrete steps to success toward making the library a valuable and respected community institution. Planning helps to create a shared vision for the board.
2. | Create and develop the mission for the library.
The library’s mission statement should describe the essence of what your library sees as its core purpose as defined through the feedback you receive from the community
3. | Select and hire a qualified library director.
The board directly hires and evaluates one employee – the director. While the board does not supervise the director in a traditional employee-manager relationship there are levels of accountability on both sides as you work as a team to move the library forward.
4. | Secure adequate funding for the library’s service program.
It is your job as a trustee to insure that the library’s budget is able to meet the needs of the community.
5. | Exercise fiduciary responsibility for the use of public and private funds.
According to the NYS Board of Regents library trustees must “ensure that assets are properly used, laws and regulations are followed, and the public interest is best served.” Oversight in the use of both the public and private funds given to the library is critical. This is done by the board developing a budget, policies, and procedures that insure compliance with laws and regulations and maintain a solid system of checks and balances.
6. | Adopt policies and rules regarding library governance and use.
A vital responsibility of the board is to ensure and protect the reputation of the institution, best realized through the adoption of clearly written library policies.
7. | Maintain a facility that meets the library’s and community’s needs.
To fulfill this responsibility the board must consider: adequate square footage; location; internal arrangement; accessibility for disabled persons; environmental quality; proper maintenance; and intangibles such as ambiance.
8. | Promote the library in the local community and in society in general.
Trustees should be strong advocates for their local libraries and libraries in general. Advocacy at the trustee level can take many forms.
9. | Conduct the business of the library in an open and ethical manner in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.
All public libraries in NY, including association libraries, are subject to Open Meetings Law. Through this, decisions are made in a public forum and the public can watch the decisions being made.