Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, Inclusion, and Justice Statement

Howland Public Library Board of Trustees

As members of the Howland Library Board of Trustees, we not only want to understand the terms diversity, equity, accessibility, inclusion, and justice, we want to ground these abstract definitions into measurable goals. We, as a Board, will work with the Director to make the library more accessible both in its physical space and in its role as a community center. Our commitment is to create an environment that is reflective of our community’s rich diversity through the following: 

  • Audit and amend existing and future Board policies and communications to ensure that they are held to the highest standards of diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and justice. 
  • Provide ongoing training and professional development opportunities to our Board and Staff members to ensure they are aware of and responsive to the needs of our diverse community.
  • Set strategic and long-range plans that are informed by community engagement and aligned with best practices developed by the larger library community. 

As we begin this work, we acknowledge that our goals may evolve and adapt to fit ever-changing definitions and standards, but our commitment to our community remains firm.